Adorn your home, body, and gifts with art that’s grounded in the elements.

Direct experience is always the source of my art —
whether I am creating a painting, print, choreography, or class.
Encounters with the more-than-human world inform my visual expression, and are the sole inspiration. I seek to capture it with scientific verity, while evoking its wild magic.
The key is listening — with ears and mind, with heart and skin.

I’m Heléna Melone, a multi-disciplinary artist and instructor/facilitator whose work is rooted in rhythms: seasonal, diurnal, lunar, tidal, and heartbeat;
the rapping of a pileated woodpecker, the haunting call of a barred owl; the endless wash of unfurling ocean waves.
My task is to listen;
My gift is to make manifest the beauty I see, feel, smell, and hear all around.
My intention is to awaken — in both myself and others — our wild, authentic selves.
From this place, we can understand our intuition, feel enchanted by the world around us, and create kinship with the other-than-human world.

I’d love to hear from you.
Whether you have questions about purchasing a piece of artwork, or are interested in art or dance classes, or in CEF facilitation, I’m here to answer your questions.